
Security doors

Your modern-looking burglarproof door

Security doors are anti-burglary elements specifically designed to increase the interior’s level of security, as they are equipped with special anti-burglary systems that render violation of the fixture extremely difficult.

These architectural elements are typically characterised by different burglary resistance classes, depending on the degree of security they can guarantee.

Specifically, these are increasing classes and directly proportional to the performance of the product: from RC1 to RC4 for Residential, RC5 and RC6 for military and special areas. We remind you that, by “break-in”, we mean all the forcing actions of the closing systems or safety devices including the entrance doors.

During its long experience in the field of passive protection, GINKO has constantly invested in Research and Development to develop products that associate the highest degree of safety for environments with the best technical performance and the most marked stylistic elegance.

Today we offer a complete line of certified security doors for interiors and exteriors that meet the highest aesthetic requirements while ensuring uncompromising performance.

Explore the section to find the product that best suits your technical and stylistic needs or contact us for advice.

Find out our Security doors: